Saturday, May 28, 2011
Queso comes closer and blinks at his Misha May foster 5-28-11
Queso really likes perching high in this corner. You have to watch closely to the right of the box but you can see him looking and blinking at me as I videotape him. He's getting more and more curious and relaxed!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Update on Misha May foster cat Queso 5-27-11
Lorraine is fostering Queso temporarily. He is available for adoption but is fearful and tentative, as he has been through a lot. He is making steady progress in settling in. He is eating and using his litterbox.Here he is relaxing on top of a cabinet close to the ceiling where he can survey his room. This is great since he was hiding behind a table for the first day.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Update on Misha May's Peanut - 4 years after adoption
Peanut was very traumatized and fearful when Misha May rescued her from a natural disaster. She wouldn't come out of her crate or let anyone touch her. You couldn't even see her tail. We never gave up on her. She gave us glimpses of the affectionate, trusting dog she could become.
It took 5 foster homes and 2 adoptions before the right match came along. Someone who loved Peanut for who she was, and recognized what she had been through. Peanut continues to flourish and blossom in her safe loving home. She is a true success story that came about because of love and patience and time.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Brinx improves his self-control at Misha May's Understanding Dogs Behavi...
Lorraine wants the class to be precise in rewarding Brinx. He tends to sit and then pop up or jump toward the treat. We try several times to help him succeed in remaining in a calm sit. Finally, he has improved so much and is so close, we reward that effort and then give him a break, ending on a note of success after very hard work.
Brinx greets students at Misha May's Understanding Dogs Behavior Class
Brinx is still very excited and needs guidance throughout the greeting exercise. Everyone is still saying 'good' when he sits. Students are timing their recognition and treat so that Brinx understands he is being rewarded for sitting, not jumping up, popping up or grabbing the treat.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Brinx makes an entrance at Misha May's Understanding Dogs Behavior Class
Brinx, a 6 year old yellow Lab mix, gets very excited when going to a new place or meeting new people. He wants to jump up and get attention. Lorraine makes him wait at the door until he settles down before entering. Once in, the class has been told to say 'good' softly to recognize his calm behaviors like sitting and lying down. He responds by calming down.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Wally Report 5-13-11Part 2 A Lively Visit with Misha May President Doug
Wally really came alive when his best friend Doug showed up. Doug and his wife Ann have been transporting Wally between vets for his care. They say Wally really enjoys those car rides where he is held and petted. It's a hard life for this social little dog, sick with parvo, to be staying in the cage.
The medical bills are reaching $3000. If you would like to donate to Wally's Fund, please use the Make A Donation Button at or mail a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166.
Thanks to everyone who has already donated toward the $1500 raised so far!
The Wally Report 5-13-11Part 1 A Sweet Visit with Misha May Volunteer Ba...
Wally was very lively this morning - definitely wanted out of his cage to join the world. It was wonderful to see him so energetic and so much stronger. Blood transfusions on the two previous evenings as well as nutrition delivered through the nasal passage are making a big difference. Wally has kept this food down and will continue to be fed.
The medical bills are reaching $3000. If you would like to donate to Wally's Fund, please use the Make A Donation Button at or mail a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166.Thanks to everyone who has already donated toward the $1500 raised so far!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Misha May's Wally gets ready for a good night's sleep
Wally is safe and clean and warm and loved. We are hoping he has a really long life to enjoy himself this.
If you can help with even a $10 tax-deductible donation toward his $2500+ vet bill, please use the Make a Donation button at or send a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166.
Misha May's Wally spends his time in the isolation unit - how you can help
Poor Wally is on IV in isolation because of his parvo. Please send love.
If you can help with even a $10 tax-deductible donation toward his $2500+ vet bill, please use the Make a Donation button at or send a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166.
Misha May's Wally rides to his other vet - how to help him
Wally is a very sick little terrier. He is 3 years old but has parvo. He is so affectionate and loving but must spend his time on IV. He is a little better this morning after the blood transfusion.
If you can help with even a $10 tax-deductible donation toward his $2000+ vet bill, please use the Make a Donation button at or send a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Misha May Foundation's Wally, suffering with parvo, needs your help
Poor little Wally is getting so much love and care. He seems so fragile though. Please send loving thoughts his way. He needs many friends sending him good wishes.
If you want to make a tax deductible donation toward his mounting bill, please go to and use the Make A Donation button, or mail a check to Misha May, PO Box 151166, Lakewood, CO 80215-1166. Thank you.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Misha May Play / Train Date: Mattie with Kabul, Series B #1
Mattie, a 9 year old Border Collie, and Kabul, less than a year old and rescued from Afghanistan, drink side by side until he goes into her bowl. She just calmly walks away. They shared the yard well. He allowed her to chase and retrieve balls realizing she wouldn't play with him. He hardly puppy-annoyed her at all. She seemed much more relaxed.
Help Misha May's Wally battle parvo....
Wally, before he got sick.... Wally, now that he is sick....

Check out our newsletter to see how to help Wally, a young terrier mix rescued by The Misha May Foundation last week, and now battling parvo. His prognosis is good but his bill is high!
You can make a donation using the link within the newsletter or go to our website's Make a Donation button
Wally says, "WOOF I've got friends - I'm gonna make it!"
More information at or 303-239-0382.
Thanks Harmony Vet and Animal Urgent Care of Arvada for your fabulous and GENEROUS care.
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Watch this video of Queso who needs a foster home immediately in Denver. He is living in a crate and extremely stressed.
Queso is a 1 yr old neutered male who is up to date on shots and negative for FIV and FeLiv.
Girl Scouts feed Misha May's Corky cat the treats they made
Corky, the perfect cat, receive much deserved attention form the Girl Scouts. He receives pets, treats and really enjoys being brushed.
Corky is truly a hidden treasure that we hope someone watching this video will want to adopt.
Girl Scout Troop delivers the biscuits they baked for Misha May dogs and...
Girl Scouts Madison, Becca, Mary and Jordan, from Troop #1364 baked tasty biscuits for the foster dogs and cats. They had fun feeding the dogs, and the dogs really enjoyed the treats!
One of the Girl Scouts is Madison, with her mom, Dana, adopters of Misha May's Grey about 3 years ago.
Introducing the Apprentices + Denver in Misha May's Understanding Dogs B...
Meet 5 of the current apprentices studying to become dog trainers through Misha May. The class includes everything one needs to learn to start a dog training business, to volunteer at a rescue, to become a great pet parent, or to become part of Misha May's educational program.
The next class, with 6 apprentice spots, begins on Wednesday, June 15 at Harmony Vet in Arvada. Contact Lorraine at or 303-239-0382 for more information and an application.
Learn about, with, and for, the animals! Mutts in smart homes always!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Misha May's Flash at Understanding Dogs Behavior Class and Apprenticeshi...
Exercise Goal: to reward Flash for relaxed behavior in an unfamiliar envrionment with unfamiliar people. Flash, a 2.5 year old Border Collie mix, is a sweet smart dog, who can become too excited when greeting people on a leash. Here he is coming into class and making the rounds off-leash.
Barbi, his foster, brings him in. He greets Lorraine, his former foster. Flash is relaxed and friendly with all of the people, even the unfamiliar ones. You can see that no one is giving him attention for jumping in laps, but only when he is on the floor.
Flash, On Leash Polite Greeting, at Misha May's UD Class and Apprentices...
Exercise Goal: to allow Flash time to make the association between the new specific 'greetsit' cue, sitting for calm on-leash greetings, and receiving reward for that choice.
Flash already knows the 'sit' command, but it hasn't been effective for calm greetings. We are teaching a specific 'greetsit' cue which means when he approaches someone and greets with a sit, he will receive something good. Since he does not yet know the cue 'greetsit', Lorraine named the behavior as he offered it. Once he understands the association between the word and the behavior, she will ask him to do a 'greetsit'.
We motivated him today by showing him his favorite treat and then rewarding him with it. Lorraine was very patient with allowing Flash to figure out what we wanted from him. When dogs are allowed the space to try, and even make mistakes, while learning, their grasp of the new behavior is powerful.
Flash did not jump up or get overstimulated at all. He did offer a paw sometimes. Today was focused on learning to be be calm and sit - acquiring the behavior. As we continue to practice, we can phase out the paw if we don't want that, by not rewarding when he does it. Or we can name it 'cutepaw' and ask for it only on cue.
Flash, 'charging the whistle', at Misha May's UD Class and Apprenticeshi...
Exercise Goal: to provide a novel cue in conjunction with a novel high-value treat that will create a strong recall.
Flash has been an escape artist from the beginning of his life. He likes to play 'keep-away' and does not respond to the typical 'come' command. ‘Come’ was neither thoroughly taught nor consistently reinforced, so it became an overused, irrelevant word for him.
To 'charge the whistle' or give meaning to it, Lorraine gave Flash a piece of cheese every time she blew it. Flash did not need to do anything to receive this cheese. He didn't have to sit or pay attention. He is learning that no matter what he is doing, if the whistle blows, he will receive a reward.
The practical application will be that instead of playing 'keep way', he will choose to come to the whistle person for a reward. You could see him begin to respond faster and even anticipate the whistle and the reward. We stopped while he was successful, before he lost interest or got too tired.
Flash, keeping the whistle simple and novel, at Misha May's UD Class and...
Flash continues to receive cheese every time the whistle is blown. It is obvious that he has made the connection. However, he gets distracted. Lorraine thinks he may be unable to perform, so stops the exercise since we are setting him up to be sucessful and to learn the correct way.
Flash and Barbi, with whistle, at Misha May's UD Class and Apprenticeshi...
Flash practices with Barbi, his foster mom. He is very engaged each time she blows the whistle and offers him a treat. He is so relaxed and focused that he doesn't respond at all to dogs who have stopped curiously right at the glass door.
Flash and Susan, with whistle, at Misha May's UD Class and Apprenticeshi...
Flash doesn't know Susan. He isn't as relaxed as he was with Lorraine and Barbi.
The first time he hears the whistle, he doesn't show any interest but Susan quickly gives him cheese to show the same thing will happen no matter who blows the whistle. He becomes more interested in Susan.
Lorraine stops the exercise after a very short time as Flash seems unfocused or maybe tired. It is imperative to end any training session on a successful note.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Misha May behavior class at Winston's Doggie Playhouse - #5 Rocky, Golde...
Rocky burst into the room with high energy, running around and sometimes jumping up on people. It was difficult to get his attention. He came near Lorraine and did not jump up so she took that opportunity to begin giving him attention by petting. He settled in and sat calmly for about a minute.
Misha May behavior class at Winston's Doggie Playhouse - #8 Rocky
Rocky is so happy carrying something in his mouth so we gave him a tennis ball instead of his leash. He dropped the ball for treats but then began to demand them. Lorraine brushed her hands again to communicate the demanding doesn't get treats.
Misha May behavior class at Winston's Doggie Playhouse - #7 Rocky
Rocky performs some nice sits and downs and then gets pushy with the treat bag. Lorraine brushes her hands together indicating there aren't anymore treats. Rocky leaves immediately - he knows he has gone too far.
Misha May behavior class at Winston's Doggie Playhouse - #4 Hope
Hope is now following and sitting calmly for treats. She has direction and is motivated to calm down.
Misha May behavior class at Winston's Doggie Playhouse - #3 Hope, Black Lab
Hope is very excited and jumps on people and counters randomly, especially her 'grandma'. Lorraine asks Vera to leave the room to communicate to Hope the message that jumping on Vera will make her go, not get her attention.
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