When I saw her photos, I knew I had to help her. She went through surgery for a huge mammary tumor which could have been avoided had she been spayed and not bred. Since the cancer has mestastisized to the lymph glands, she may only have a few months to live. 

She is about 4-6 years old. I'm fostering for the Humane Society of South Platte Valley located in Littleton. They found her as a stray and have already spent a fortune on her care. They will continue to take care of her bills until she passes. They didn't want her to spend her last months in the shelter so they actively sought a foster which turned out to be me. Lola doesn't act sick now but her time will come. I already feel very close to her. It will be hard to watch the cancer take over. But I am determined to do everything I can for her so she feels safe and loved and has fun. She was so appreciative today for the attention, pets, bully stick, toys and fun in the yard. Someone abandoned a perfectly wonderful dog.