Learn how to solve canine behavior problems! Better yet, be confident that you can avoid creating or encouraging them!
Pre-Registration is required; fees are quite reasonable with rescue discounts.
Call 303-239-0382 or email mishamayfoundation@gmail.com for more information. Go to http://mishamayfoundation.org/events.htm for the current schedule.
Classes are offered in a variety of locations including: Arvada, Denver, Englewood, Golden, Lakewood, Longmont, and Wheat Ridge.
A Supportive Class Structure
Each week, one owner will bring one dog. All humans will attend every week. Everyone in class will focus on that dog, and under the direction of Lorraine, will make sure he or she receives what is needed. This process will enable each participant to fully engage weekly in learning and applying fundamental concepts and techniques. In addition, they will gain insight into the motivations, temperament, history, healing and planning for the success of, their own dog.
About the Instructor
Lorraine May, M.A. is the Executive Director and Founder of The Misha May Foundation. She holds Masters Degrees in both Education and Psychology. She teaches classes, and consults on behavior, for the general public, as well as various shelters and rescue groups.
May's methods have proven successful with all kinds of dogs and their issues. Her rescue experience, includes the design and implementation for three years, of the CHAMPS Training Program at MaxFund. CHAMPS volunteer trainers, under the direction of May, attended weekly classes with shelter dogs who needed help to become adoptable, or who had been at the shelter for a long period of time. The program was an important factor in finding homes for harder to place dogs.
Demonstrating the Process, not the 'Finished Product'
May is committed to teaching others how to understand their dog, so that they may spend their time having fun and enjoying life together! Many demonstrations clearly show how terrific the trainer is (and how great the dog is!), but don't show the process whereby the owner and her dog can reach the same competency. May believes that allowing participants to witness her initial observations, subsequent evaluations, ongoing thinking process, including her choices and even mistakes, will help make understanding dogs more accessible.
Goals and Opportunities
This class offers the opportunity to listen and learn, to engage in handling, and to be guided in follow-up practice. Each week, one owner will bring one dog. Everyone in class will focus on that dog, and under the direction of May, will make sure he or she gets what is needed. During this process, which begins with an evaluation, includes coaching and hands-on practice, and then culminates in a treatment plan, each class participant will learn many techniques, concepts and approaches for being the best owner, practitioner, or rescuer he or she can be.
What type of dog may attend?
Almost any dog may attend this class. A pre-class consultation may be required at additional cost if serious issues exist and more information is required.
Multiple Dogs
The instructor may create educational opportunities for dogs from the same household to attend at the same time, or for unacquainted dogs to meet.
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