Executive Director and Head Trainer
The Misha May Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dog and cat rescue
mutts in safe homes always
PO Box 151166
Lakewood, CO 80215-1166
Deaf Dog Picnic
I have attended the Deaf Dog Picnic for many years as a holistic resource for owners. I am able to share helpful information about using Flower Essences, energy work like Reiki, and Animal Communication. I can offer positive solutions to training questions and behavior problems.
This year it was held again at Best Friends in Wheat Ridge, Colorado on September 11, 2010. There were so many wonderful deaf dogs including many adopted from rescues, such as Aussie Shepherds, Border Collies, Boxers, Bulldogs, Cattle Dogs (one from New Hope Cattle Dog R
Deaf dogs demonstrated Agility, Flyball and Frisbee with championship style and absolute joy. Other resources included Val & Tom Parks, Pet Psychic / Pet Astrologer, and trainers from http://www.onlinedogcoach.com/. One highlight was Indy, a sweet young white deaf mix, who demonstrated her many cute tricks including 'get in the box'! Indy had been rescued about a year ago from living locked in a closet - the people didn't know what to do with a young, stubborn, noisy dog. They had no idea she was deaf, and when they found out did not know what to do. Discovering her was truly like discovering a diamond in the rough.
Deaf dogs used to be routinely and unceremoniously destroyed. They were (and still are in unfortunate situations) often labeled stubborn, stupid, inattentive, untrainable, and hopeless. If you hear of a dog like this, please be sure to check their hearing.
Rhonda, Champion of Deaf Dogs, always says, "Your dog is a dog first, his breed second, his personality third, and being deaf last."
Today deaf dogs find their way into many people's hearts instead. Hundreds of deaf dogs are looking for committed, responsible owners. Please visit the Adopt page at http://www.SpiritofDeafDogs.org/.
If you want to know more about deaf dogs, want to help deaf dogs, or know a deaf dog in danger, please refer to the following websites.
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