by Lorraine May, Executive Director and Head Trainer
The Misha May Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dog and cat rescue
mutts in safe homes always
PO Box 151166Lakewood, CO 80215-1166
Zeb’s Magic
Zeb is magical. Everyone who knows him knows that. He saved a little dog today, September 10, and I helped him.

Each day when I take a walk in the park my most important decision is which dog to take with me. This morning I had a very strong sense that it was Zeb. So I listened to my intuition.
Zeb is an 11 year old neutered male Golden Retriever that found me while wandering in the mountains at 1.5 years old. He had come right through his electric fence (in the mountains where we had bears, coyotes and mountains lions) thank goodness, instead of ending up as lunch. His family gave him to me. Truly though, he seemed sent by Misha (the black lab mix namesake of The Misha May Foundation) – I was having a hard time without her.
As we entered the park, I saw a little black dog running around, sometimes in the park, sometimes in the street. I decided to investigate, of course. There were other people around but I find that even dog lovers aren’t sure what to do, how to get the dog, or what to do with him once they have him.
As we approached, I could see he was not going to come to me. He didn’t flee, but he stayed out of reach. Because he was small and calm, appeared healthy and friendly, I decided to see if Zeb would be a more benign ambassador. I had no sooner stepped a little farther away, than the little guy approached Zeb and they became fast friends.
Then there was humping – by the little guy. Uh-oh, not neutered. Here is probably one key to his wandering. The others, I found out later, were a broken fence and a marking habit which relegated him to being an outside dog.
Although there was no collar or ID, through detective work, I eventually located the owner the same day. He was grateful for my care and was open to finding a solution to keeping the little guy safe. 1) of course, fix the fence 2) purchase Velcro ‘nappies for dogs’ which cause the dog to urinate on himself – not as pleasant as marking 3) neuter.
Neutering helps with both marking and wandering. When I suggested low cost possibilities, he was surprised that his own vet had not referred him to Planned Pethood Plus at 4170 Tennyson Street, Denver, 80212, 303-433-3291 or MaxFund Animal Wellness Center at 1000 Inca Street, Denver, 80204, 303-595-0532.
My personal belief is that in order to stop pet overpopulation, spaying and neutering need to be FREE for EVERYONE’S pets. WHY ISN’T IT?
Please help us with our project by sending the following to
1) What low cost spay / neuter services are you aware of – please send the complete name, address and contact information of vet; weight and age of dog or cat, cost of spay or neuter surgery.
2) What did your dog's surgery cost - please send the complete name, address and contact information of vet; weight and age of dog or cat, cost of spay or neuter surgery.
Note to Owner with dog off leash in a park that is not an off leash park: Your dog is NOT trained off leash if he chases geese. AND allowing him to be off leash untrained, reinforces his experience of ‘I’m off leash and you can’t get me’.
Zeb is magical. Everyone who knows him knows that. He saved a little dog today, September 10, and I helped him.

Each day when I take a walk in the park my most important decision is which dog to take with me. This morning I had a very strong sense that it was Zeb. So I listened to my intuition.
Zeb is an 11 year old neutered male Golden Retriever that found me while wandering in the mountains at 1.5 years old. He had come right through his electric fence (in the mountains where we had bears, coyotes and mountains lions) thank goodness, instead of ending up as lunch. His family gave him to me. Truly though, he seemed sent by Misha (the black lab mix namesake of The Misha May Foundation) – I was having a hard time without her.
As we entered the park, I saw a little black dog running around, sometimes in the park, sometimes in the street. I decided to investigate, of course. There were other people around but I find that even dog lovers aren’t sure what to do, how to get the dog, or what to do with him once they have him.
As we approached, I could see he was not going to come to me. He didn’t flee, but he stayed out of reach. Because he was small and calm, appeared healthy and friendly, I decided to see if Zeb would be a more benign ambassador. I had no sooner stepped a little farther away, than the little guy approached Zeb and they became fast friends.
Then there was humping – by the little guy. Uh-oh, not neutered. Here is probably one key to his wandering. The others, I found out later, were a broken fence and a marking habit which relegated him to being an outside dog.
Although there was no collar or ID, through detective work, I eventually located the owner the same day. He was grateful for my care and was open to finding a solution to keeping the little guy safe. 1) of course, fix the fence 2) purchase Velcro ‘nappies for dogs’ which cause the dog to urinate on himself – not as pleasant as marking 3) neuter.
Neutering helps with both marking and wandering. When I suggested low cost possibilities, he was surprised that his own vet had not referred him to Planned Pethood Plus at 4170 Tennyson Street, Denver, 80212, 303-433-3291 or MaxFund Animal Wellness Center at 1000 Inca Street, Denver, 80204, 303-595-0532.
My personal belief is that in order to stop pet overpopulation, spaying and neutering need to be FREE for EVERYONE’S pets. WHY ISN’T IT?
Please help us with our project by sending the following to
1) What low cost spay / neuter services are you aware of – please send the complete name, address and contact information of vet; weight and age of dog or cat, cost of spay or neuter surgery.
2) What did your dog's surgery cost - please send the complete name, address and contact information of vet; weight and age of dog or cat, cost of spay or neuter surgery.
Note to Owner with dog off leash in a park that is not an off leash park: Your dog is NOT trained off leash if he chases geese. AND allowing him to be off leash untrained, reinforces his experience of ‘I’m off leash and you can’t get me’.
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